

Institute Publications


Access to social protection for young people

Authors: Jadranka Kaluđerović and Vojin Golubović (Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses)

The youth population of Montenegro is facing high levels of unemployment. In 2020, the youth unemployment rate (15–29) stood at 30.7%, significantly higher than the unemployment rate for the older population (30–64) of 14.6%.

Young people in Montenegro are eligible for contributory unemployment benefits, and there is no difference between them and other age groups with regard to their contributions record. Unemployed people (also self-employed, trainees or apprentices) who are actively seeking a job may claim. Also, the calculation of this benefit is the same for all age groups.

Age is not a criterion for sickness benefit, and everyone who is employed or self-employed is eligible for this benefit. The Montenegrin healthcare system covers the entire population and provides very broad benefit packages. The benefit package does not include dental care for those over 18 years of age, unless they are students or are without parents (up to the age of 26). No contributions record is required for healthcare benefits.

Maternity, paternity and parental benefits do not depend on age. Those employed full time and part time receive full salary compensation from the employer, while compensation to the employer from the state depends on contributions history. The self- employed are refunded according to the same criteria. Students and the unemployed receive cash benefits. Fathers and parents are offered paid leave. No gaps and obstacles exist for young people.

Read more: ESPN Thematic Report on Access to social protection for young people - Montenegro (2021)

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